

What is your favorite food to eat?

I can eat breakfast all day. Pancakes, corn cakes, potatoes, breakfast sandwiches. Carbs forever!

What do you love about Portland?

The gardens! I love walking/biking around Portland neighborhoods and seeing the variety of flowers and plants everywhere. Everything grows here! I don’t know anything about growing vegetables and if I can grow a tomato plant, anyone can.

What is something you’re passionate about outside of work?

Animal welfare, social justice, mutual aid, community.

What attracted you to the dental industry?

I really love learning about the connection between oral health and whole-body wellness. I also wanted to provide judgment-free care to those who have a history of traumatic dental experiences or historically have felt self conscious about their oral health. I love to help people hate dental visits a little bit less.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

Pre-covid I loved muay thai boxing. Pre-pregnancy I loved roller skating (poorly) with my friends. Currently my favorite thing is drinking fancy coffee on a slow morning with my cute family & pets! I love birdwatching and sunny days at a river, beach, or soaking pool!

What is your favorite sports team?

Although I like watching sports, I never do. We love to host UFC nights, though!

What is your favorite band or artist?

My most listened to artists are Sigur Ros, Grizzly Bear, Fleet Foxes, Fiona Apple.

5905 SE Belmont St.
Portland, OR 97215

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