

What is your favorite food to eat?

Fried chicken

What do you love about Portland?

The selection of eateries we have, scenic areas at night, and coastal areas.

What is something you’re passionate about outside of work?

Women’s rights

What attracted you to the dental industry?

I was a junior in high school at Benson Polytechnic and I joined the health occupations program as a sophomore. During our junior year rotation, we had a series of classes to rotate through that required us to shadow clinics. I didn’t think I’d be interested in dentistry at all, but then when I took the introductory course as a junior, I fell in love with the office I shadowed as well as the fun hands-on projects and activities we did. I further expanded my interest as a senior and shadowed the same office and did more involved hands-on projects and became fascinated by the work I witnessed while shadowing and the class assignments we did. Fast forward, I became a front desk assistant at the office I shadowed and later on was offered a position as a dental assistant in the same office and learned on the job. The rest is history!

Tell us a fun fact about yourself!

I love learning about history.

What is your favorite sports team?

I do not watch sports :/

What is your favorite band or artist?


5905 SE Belmont St.
Portland, OR 97215

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